
9 days no walking

What starts innocently as one day of extra walking followed by a double ear infection and cold seemed to snowball into inability to move for excessive hip subluxation and once that started, and once the movement stopped, no progress was made for 8 days. We saw the orthopedic surgeon who told us what we already knew, which is that you have to move! Even if it hurts. And it hurts.
So, PT in the water is advised. Of course, we have done this and we can do it again, but it is not easy to find the 3 hours a day it takes to manage this in our lives of work and school and obligations. But we will do it because it needs to be done.
What is different this time? She is afraid she can't get in and out of the pool, so we'll be using the chair that lifts you in and out. Once in the water, I suspect she will do fantastic! Getting out, and being cold in Chicago winter will not be ideal, but we'll do our best to dry and bundle.
The other thing that is advised is a new (for us, anyway) MRI that views the full spine and only takes 45 minutes. That is a huge time improvement from when Bean did this years ago and it took 3 hours or more. The reason for this MRI is that Bean has numbness and tingling in her legs as well as feet and hands. She has had this for a long time, however, and I don't suspect that they will find anything that we don't already know, but it is wise to make sure there is not something going on that needs addressing. So, MRI time.
School has been missed and will continue to be missed and we all will long for warmer days and mobility.