
POTS, fainting and wheelchairs

Well, kiddo climbed a mountain, so to speak, during her little sisters birthday party. She participated in a climbing event that left both her father and I in shock that she could do it! The smile on her face was worth the world. She was so happy, just being a kid.

Fast forward 2+ weeks and she has been dislocating and subluxing daily without the ability to walk more than 15 feet. Her body is screaming at her with every movement as if to say "What were you thinking, treating me like that?". Still, 2 weeks out, she says it was worth it.

This past weekend we saw a bit of improvement, however, today she fainted in school while sitting in her wheelchair. That baffles me. I thought the fainting was only when standing up, sympathetic nervous system, blood pressure etc? This is new, and it isn't good. The one explanation I can muster is to think she overheated, as she did have her winter coat and scarf on, indoors. Still, it's not a comforting feeling over here. Next week is the tilt table test, and new orthotics, so we'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, wheelchairs, help on the stairs, and limited movements while trying to add in some isometric exercises from PT.  Plus she has started taking more medicine. Of course we hoped to avoid that, but Aleve was about as effective as water, so she is trying Meloxicam in the morning, and 1/2 tramodol to help get through a half day of school. Voltran gel applied, topically, to the neck. Even a little aromatherapy from a  essential oil rollerball. We'll try anything that may help.

This is another day in the life with EDS.

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