
A New Year, new specialists, and hope.

Nervous. New year, seeing a new shoulder specialist next week. Odds are he will order more tests, which are difficult for our daughter. Worried he will suggest to surgically fix her. Worried he will suggest there is still no fix. Kiddo expressed that last year was her favorite year because she had friends in school and it was fun. She says being at home for school makes her miss out on the interactions she enjoyed in her AP classes, with kindred spirits. Of course, she can't stay in school because her shoulders sublux and dislocate when she is there, but she wants to be there. And she wants to be able to go to high school next year. I have no control over any of it, and when the new year starts, and new specialists are on our immediate horizon, it gives me a panic and makes me feel tiny. So much hope goes into each of these appointments, and the track record is to leave with heartbreak and increased pain. Still, for now, we hope.

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