
Penagain Y shaped pen for writing

We tried every writing device and combination you could imagine for my daughter's hands and the hyper extension/low muscle tone. She didn't really take to anything well enough to correct the problems. Dr. Tinkle gave her a Y shaped Penagain to try out. This was a very clever option for her that would have been great, had we introduced it at a younger age.  The trouble was that she was old enough that it was very difficult to get used to. She did really well with working on switching her grip on her own around 6th grade, and that has worked fantastically. Before that, she was not ready. I think this Y shaped pen would have been a life saver during the elementary years and I would have loved to have known about it early on.
We also found that typing was easier for her, and especially on keyboard with soft, low profile keys. Her school has provided her a laptop to use for all classes, ever since her OT advised such. This option has been very good, and it also cuts down the number of items she would be required to carry with her from class to class.

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